What Is Garcinia Cambodia? How it works?

 Garcinia Cambogia is one of the most searched supplements for weight loss.

The supplement is extracted from Malabar Tamarind aka Garcinia Gummi Gutta.

The outer layer that's covering the Garcinia fruits contains HCA hydroxy citric acid that's linked to weight loss

Let's dive deep to know if it reduces belly fat or helps weight loss

What Is Garcinia Cambodia?

Garcinia is a pumpkin-like small fruit that has yellow or green-like colors.

It's so acid that's why mostly it's eaten or cooked.

Garcinia supplements are made from the skin of the fruit which is enriched with HCA that has a weight loss effect

Supplement of Garcinia contains 50-60% of hydroxy citric acid and some up to 20-60 HCA.

How Does It Aid Weight Loss?

Many people have tried garcinia for weight loss and they all recorded garcinia supplements cause minimum weight loss.

Some studies suggested that they didn't find any different results between those who used the garcinia supplement and those with the placebo so there's a strong study that says it has more benefits for weight loss

Garcinia cambogia produces weight loss through two main mechanism 

1. Decrease in Your Appetit

A study done with rats revealed those given the supplement garcinia Cambogia had eaten less than those who didn't take the supplement.

Also, human trials indicated the participants said it made them feel full and decreased their appetite

How garcinia suppresses the appetite is unknown but studies done with rats claimed it increases the levels of serotonin.

When serotonin is high in the bloodstream it suppresses your appetite.

The suppression of the appetite seen in people using garcinia supplement is different in each person and it's not clear yet if it has that effect at all.

2. Reduces Fat Production and Belly Fat

Garcinia affects levels of blood fats and fat production in the body. also, it lowers the oxidative stress

Garcinia reduces blood fats by inhibiting citrate lysate and lowers fat accumulation in your body by excreting more fat in the stools and urine.

Garcinia has many other benefits including:

  • Decreasing insulin levels
  • Decreases leptin levels
  • lowers  inflammation
  • helps blood sugar control
  • Increases insulin sensitivity
  • Also, garcinia Cambogia can boost the digestive system.

also, it's still under study.

What are the Side Effects of Garcinia?

Mostly garcinia studies suggest that taking the recommended dose of up to 3000 mg daily dose is safe.

Keep in mind that supplements are not supervised by the FDA

That means there is no warranty that the dose written on your supplement label will match the real dose that's in the supplement.

So try to look for a well-thought company to buy from.

Most side effects that users reported are:

  • Digestive symptoms
  • Headaches
  • Skin rashes
  • also, some studies indicate more serious side effects.

Taking more than the recommended dose of Garcia could cause shrunk testicles and the production of sperm as seen in studies done in rats.

Taking garcinia with an antidepressant can cause serotonin toxicity as a woman who used revealed.

Also, it could cause liver dysfunction in some people.

It's better to contact your doctor before trying to use garcinia supplements to avoid any health problems

What is the recommended dose of Garcinia?

You can get Garcinia supplements from online stores and many pharmacies or food stores.

Try to get a garcinia supplement which has a hydroxy citric acid percentage of 50-60.

The recommended daily dosage is 3 times daily of 500 mg before taking your meals.

It's better to follow the dosage information in your garcinia supplement label.

Take some weeks off from garcinia supplement every 3 months.


Garcinia supplements are extracted from the Garcinia Cambogia fruit and they aim to enhance weight loss, but studies disagree with the weight loss effect of the garcinia supplement 

However, some say it boosts weight loss if you are not taking any supplements.

Its effect on blood fat levels could be the best benefit it has.

If you are willing to lose some weight it's better to change your lifestyle and diet, also look for a professional expert to help you achieve the best results.

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