Health Benefits of Oats and Oatmeal


Oats are whole grains gluten-free enriched with fiber, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals.

Oats and oatmeal decrease levels of sugar in the bloodstream and the risk of heart disease also helps in weight loss.

In this article, we reveal some benefits of oats and oatmeal packed with science.

What are oats and oatmeal?

Avena sativa AKA oats are whole grain foods.

usually, people like to use crushed or steel-cut oats because oat traits are intact and take more time to cook.

Usually, oatmeal is used at breakfast and it's prepared by boiling it with milk or water.

Oatmeals are sometimes added to cookies, granola bars, baked goods, and muffins.

Health benefits of Oats and Oatmeals 

1. Oats are rich nutrition food

Oats are enriched with beta-glucan fibers which are strong fibers and carbs.

Also, oats contain proteins and minerals, and antioxidants,  they are well-balanced nutrients.

  • 78 grams of dry oats (half cup) has:
  • 8 grams of fiber (1 cup)
  • 5 grams of fat
  • 51 grams of carbs
  •  13 grams of protein
  •  63.91% of Manganesethe 
  •  13.3% of Phosphorus   
  •  13.3% of Magnesium
  • 17.6% of Copper 
  •  9.4% of Iron 
  •  13.4% of Zinc 
  •  3.24% of Folate 
  •  15.5% of Vitamin B1 
  • 9.07% of Vitamin B5 

Also, oats have some vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), and vitamin B3 (niacin), calcium, potassium.

total calories of 303 calories.

All that indicates oats are one of the enriched nutrients food to add to your diet.

2. Oats have antioxidants called avenanthramides.

Avenanthramides reduce blood pressure by releasing NO which dilates blood vessels improving the flow of the blood.

Also, they have effects anti-inflammatory and allergy.

3. Oats have fiber called beta-glucan

Beta-glucan are water-soluble fibers that form a thick gel-like compound in your gut when you eat and they are found abundantly in Oats.

Some of their health benefits are 

  • Decrease cholesterol in the blood 
  • Lowers blood sugar and insulin
  • Make you feel full for a longer time.

4. Decrease risk of heart disease

Oats have the effect of decreasing blood cholesterol which is a major risk factor for heart problems.

The beta-glucan fiber in the Oats is responsible for the decrease of blood cholesterol as shown in studies.

Beta-glucan fibers lower the blood levels of cholesterol by increasing bile secretion.

Another benefit is that oats prevent oxidation from LDL.

By preventing LDL from oxidation Oats reduce the arterial inflammation which means it lowers risk of heart related problems, because the  LDL oxidation happens when LDL interacts with the free radicals in our body which will lead to arterial inflammation.

5. Oats can improve blood sugar levels 

Diabetes type 2 is a disease in which the blood sugar is elevated and often it's due to low insulin sensitivity.

The beta-glucan that's found in Oats helps overweight people and those with diabetes type 2 by decreasing blood glucose levels and increasing insulin sensitivity. 

Beta-glucan effect of increasing insulin sensitivity is not yet proven by studies.

All the work that beta-glucan do is due to its capability of forming a thick gel which delays stomach emptying plus the absorption of the sugar from the blood.

6. Oatmeal has satiety effects

Oatmeal mostly is used in breakfast and it has the effect of making you feel full longer which leads to a decrease in calorie intake and weight loss.

The reason you feel full longer is the beta-glucan in Oatmeal delays the emptying of the stomach. 

It also secretes a hormone that's responsible for the satiety called Peptide YY which makes you full and prevents you from eating more and obesity.

7. Oats have skin care benefits 

Oats have skin care benefits which is the reason many manufacturers of skin care products use and it's called Colloidal oatmeal.

In 2003 colloidal oatmeal was approved by the FDA as a substance of skin care and it's used in many skin conditions.

Skin products that are made from Oats relieve symptoms of eczema.

Keep in mind the benefits of skin care in Oats are only from skin care products made from it not the oatmeal you eat.

8. Oats can lower the risk of childhood asthma

Asthma is common in children and it's a chronic condition that results from airway inflammation.

Its symptoms include wheezing, frequent coughing, and breath shortness.

Some studied claim if you give your child oatmeal in his early life it will likely protect them from having asthma.

Furthermore, if you feed outs your child before 6 months it's will lower the risk of asthma as some studies indicate

9. Oats are good for constipation

Oats help with constipation, in very age young or adults they all encounter constipation resulting from irregular bowel movements that can not pass.

Constipation in ages 60 and above happens  16 to 33 out of every 100 people 

The fibers in Oats help constipation as seen in many studies.

If you use Oat bran you will not need laxatives for constipation, they also help with gastrointestinal symptoms in ulcerative colitis.

Fibers in Oats don't help constipation resulting from opioids because it has no effect on the colon movement.

How to prepare simple delicious oatmeal. 

You can enjoy oats in several ways. mostly people eat oats as oatmeal for breakfast.

Oats can be prepared in so many ways but the most common way is oatmeal.

To prepare oatmeal you need

  • 1/2 cup rolled oats
  • 1 cup (250 ml) water or milk
  • A pinch of salt

Mix them in a pot then boil and stir till it's soft.

Add cinnamon, fruits or Greek yogurt and seeds, and nuts to get more nutrients and delicious.

You can also add them to bread, granola, muesli, and baked goods.

Sometimes Oats can have gluten even though they are gluten-free and the reason could be they harvested with the same equipment that's is used for other grains that have gluten in them.

To be on the safe side look for products of Oats that are gluten-free certified.


In general, Oats are nutrient-enriched foods, oats have vitamins, minerals, more fibers, and proteins.

What is special about Oats are the beta gluten fibers and the evenabthramides which are antioxidants.

Oats have benefits such as a decrease in blood glucose and cholesterol, skin care and constipation.

Furthermore, they have a satiety effect which is good for weight loss.

In conclusion, Oats are food that has many nutrients and health benefits that you can add to your diet easily and enjoy it.

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