Top 10 Weight Loss Tips for Women


Diet and exercise are not the only elements of women's weight loss there are other things to consider.        

Such as the quality of sleep, and stress, which all have effects on women's metabolism, hunger, belly fat, and body weight.

The good news is few changes in your daily life schedule can improve your weight loss.

Here are some weight loss tips for women

1. reduce your  Refined Carbs intake

 processed carbs have a little number of micronutrients and fibers and they immediately spike the blood sugar which leads to more hunger and increases total body fat.

So there is no benefit in using processed carbs such as pasta, white bread, and prepackaged foods. it's better to avoid as much as you can.

2. Do some Resistance Training weekly

Resistance training is beneficial for increasing the number of calories that your burn at rest. 

They also aid tolerance and put up more muscles plus keep us safe from osteoporosis.

You can begin simply by going to the gym or doing a bodyweight workout at home.

3. Drink More Water

Drinking water is the easiest way and less effort to further your weight loss.

Water is zero calories and helps you feel full and decrease your appetite.

Studies have shown that drinking water before you eat can lower the number of calories you take by 13% and help you lose more weight.

Try to drink more up to 500ml daily to get the best results.

4. Add More Protein foods to your diet

Eating more proteins stops cravings and increases satiety plus they are metabolism boosters.

Try to add some proteins to your diet, foods like poultry, meat, seafood, eggs, and legumes are protein enriched.

Studies note that increasing your protein intake by 15% decreases 441 calories of your daily calories.

5. Have a Regular Sleep Schedule

Quality sleep is as important as diet and exercise for weight loss.

Many studies link lack of sleep with weight gain and an increase in ghrelin levels, the hormone that's responsible for making you hungry.

Don't neglect your sleep schedule, it's better to sleep up to 7-8 hours at night in a comfortable bed.

6. Add More Cardio to your routine 

Cardio is an aerobic exercise that raises the rate of the heart which leads to burning more calories.

Add 20 to 40 minutes of cardio/day or 150 to 300 minutes/week with a healthy diet to your routine to get the maximum result of your weight loss.

Be consistent with your cardio and start small so that you won't hate doing the workout.

7. Have a Food Journal

Using a food journal can help you track what you eat and be accountable for your self also it makes it easier to choose healthy food.

Furthermore, a food journal makes you comfortable to be consistent with your diet and weight loss goals for the long term.

Some people may say keeping a food journal makes me nervous, if you are one of them just find an alternative way that helps you be aware of your daily calorie intake.

8. Increase your Fiber intake

Eating more fibers is a good way to reduce carb cravings because it makes feel full and helps your gut health.

Studies proclaim By Increasing your fiber intake by up to 14 grams daily reduces your calorie intake by 10% and 1.9 Kg weight loss for at least 4 months.

You can get fiber from eating foods like seeds, vegetables, fruits, and nuts.

9. Do Mindful Eating

Eating mindfully helps you cut down distractions while you eating. It's all about bringing your attention to eating slowly and focusing on the tastes, smells, feelings, and looks of your meal. Chew slowly and use smaller plates.

Mind full eating helps you make healthy habits eating and accelerates weight loss.

Studies declare if you eat slowly you will fullness and see a decrease in your daily calorie intake.

10. Choose your Snacks Smarter

Eating health and fewer calorie snacks will help you feel less hungry between meals and helps you decrease your daily calorie intake.

Make your snack foods that have more proteins to minimize cravings. such as fruits with but butter, Greek yogurt with nuts, and hummus with veggies.

11. Walk More 

If you are a busy person trying to walk more often in the park or on your way home or go for the stairs instead of the elevator.

Nonexercise activity has been showing that they burn 50%of the body's calories during the day and increase weight loss, try to take more steps as much as you can be active.

12. Set Attainable Goals

To make your weight loss journey easy and successful set SMART goals Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound).

Instead of writing down my goal is to lose 5 kg, write down my goal is to lose 5 kg for 3 months and have a food journal, go to the gym 3 to 4 times a week, and write down all the details of what you going to do.

I hope you got the idea.

13. Take Control of Your Stress

Uncontrolled stress in the long term leads to weight gain as seen in some studies. 

Stress can increase your eating pattern and lead to bing earing to gaining weight.

You can ease your stress by talking to your closes and doing some exercises, journaling, or taking a walk when you feel stressed.

14. Do HIIT Workout 

HIIT high-intensity interval training is an explosive workout with a little rest period between and increases the heart which leads to burning more fat.

Switch cardio and HIIT throughout the week such as running, resistance training, and biking to get the benefit of burning more fats. 

15. Eat With Smaller Plates

Eating with a smaller plate helps you eat less food and promote weight loss.

The smaller the plate the less food you eat and you will not overeat so if you couldn't cut your calories in calculating them try using smaller plates with healthy foods in that way your calorie intake will be reduced.

16.  Probiotic Supplement

Probiotics are good for gut health and you can them as supplements of probiotics that you can add to your food.

Studies note that Lactobacillus gasser aids belly fat loss and total body weight by reducing appetite and excreting more fat.

17. Eat a Healthy Breakfast 

One of the mistakes people do when trying to lose weight is not eating breakfast which is not helpful in weight loss.

Breakfast is the first meal of the day and it's crucial for energy levels, it helps you start your day as an energized person.

Making your breakfast rich in protein food helps you feel full and control your appetite 


In weight loss, some factors contribute to weight loss other than exercise and diet.

To get long-term results in your weight loss journey just make some adjustments to your lifestyle.

Try to think of weight loss as a way of living not a one-time marathon race.

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