health benefits of Dark Chocolate


dark chocolate is made from cacao trees and it's rich in nutrients with health benefits.

studies on Dark chocolate show that it has an impact on heart well-being.

here are the benefits of Dark chocolate

1. Antioxidants

dark chocolate is rich in antioxidants such as flavonols and polyphenols catechins, which eliminate the body's free radicals.

Free radicals are harmful chemicals that can cause oxidative stress which could lead to many health problems such as cancer, eye diseases, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's, and heart diseases

2. Benefits for the Heart

eating Dark chocolate daily in moderation can lower your risk for cholesterol and high blood pressure.

flavanols in Dark chocolate cause the endothelial arteries to release Nitric oxide (NO) which is a chemical substance that causes arteries to dilate and then lower the blood pressure.

polyphenols and theobromine are also found in Dark chocolate and studies have shown that they lower the LDL (bad cholesterol which causes narrowing of the blood vessels)

They also increase the amount of  HDL (good cholesterol which lowers the blood cholesterol)

3. Benefits for skin

Dark chocolate has flavonoids that protect the skin from sun damage and helps the blood vessels of the skin, hydration, and density.

also dark chocolate has zinc which helps us against Acne. it also increases the production of collagen in the skin.

4. Benefits from the Brain

cacao can improve your brain's blood flow and enhances cognitive function.

studies show that eating cacao for 5 days can help mild cognitive impairment and blood flow of the brain, components in cacao like caffeine and theobromine are linked to the cacao improves brain function.


what are the risks of Dark chocolate?

in general dark chocolate, benefits come from flavonols so if the chocolate contains high flavonoids it means its benefits are high.

besides that factories that make chocolate also add more sugar and fats to the chocolate which makes it a high-calorie intake food so it's better to avoid it if you can.

How much should I eat?

well since there is no clear guideline for the amount of dark chocolate you should eat it's better to lower your chocolate intake since it contains more sugar.

some studies say 20-30 grams of chocolate per day it's good.


Dark chocolate contains many cacao nutrients such as antioxidants and zinc plus sugar.

studies suggest if dark chocolate has less sugar then it has more health benefits.

Dark chocolate can help blood flow, skincare, and cholesterol, and eliminate free radicals in the body.

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