8 reasons why you are not losing weight


weight loss is a journey that requires persistence and a mindset. on your way to your dream body, you will hear many tips about how to lose weight and you get confused about which one to follow and end up making it wrong or even may harm your health.

Today I will share with you the usual mistakes we do when trying to lose weight that could cause health problems or weight gain.

1. being always stressed

stress, in general, is harmful to your health. when you are stressed you are in a bad mood which in turn affects the normal function of your body.
when you are stressed about losing weight you may end up gaining more weight because when you are stressed your body release Cortisol so which makes crave more carbs and sugar, and also makes you eat more.
so instead of being stressed about your body just enjoy your journey and know that there is no magical wind that makes you slim overnight every great thing takes time so be happy and enjoy the process.

2. omission meals

this reminds me of my hometown most people when they want to lose weight don't eat breakfast or dinner, I don't know where they came up with that idea but they end up gaining weight.
meal omission causes low metabolism and low energy during the day and also causes weight gain.
if you trying to lose fat it's better to eat traditional main meals(breakfast, lunch, and dinner) by just lowering your calorie or even better to consult a professional nutritionist.

3. decreasing Your carbs and fiber intake

sometimes we think by not eating carbs will help us lose more weight but that's a lie because our body needs carbs for fuel and most carb foods are fiber-enriched.
fibers are essential for our digestive tract health and make us feel full for a longer time.
so try to add some carb fiber-enriched foods to your regimes such as beans, oats, and broccoli.

4. low proteins intake

proteins are essential for our body to function properly because it's used as fuel and for making enzymes or making new cells. proteins provide us with muscles and a lean body.
forget that you only need proteins when you workout or head to the gym, it's important to increase your protein intake in all types of weight loss methods.

5. inadequate water intake

Drinking water is crucial for weight loss. it's free of calories which makes it the best candidate to replace the drinks and cut sugar.
water helps us feel full and suppress our appetite it's also good for our blood flow and kidneys.
so try to take more water daily to maximize your weight loss result.

6. not getting enough sleep.

sleep plays an important role in our daily life. when you want to lose weight you have to consider getting quality sleep time between 7-8 hours.
studies suggest that sleeping well increases weight loss.don't only focus on dieting and workout and neglect your sleep.
To be energized and motivated all day long and maximize your results in weight loss get some quality time sleep.

7. lack of consistency

consistent is the key important to achieving your goals in weight loss,  many people get motivated for a few days.
plan and follow a proper routine for your diet and workout to get the best results. don't let the voice in the back of your head tell you "you will start tomorrow" or my favorite" just for today" shut down all those voices and focus on how you would achieve what you promised yourself.

8. lack of guidance

when people wanna lose weight the first thing they do is research"how to..) and it makes them confused about which method best works for them or you will focus on one this like diet and neglect the other aspects.
you decided that it's time to change your body, Good now try to find experts in weight loss or a fitness trainer to help you guide the way and suitable plan for you to achieve the best results.


weight loss is not only about exercise or diet but it's a whole package of changing your lifestyle from dieting to working out and sleeping and your mindset.
when deciding to go on a weight loss journey try to find experts on weight loss and plan and be consistent with your plan no matter what.

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